• A Numerical Study of Cosmic-Ray Nuclei and Isotope Propagation, Z.M. Dorris,* Y. Chen,* V. S. Ptuskin, and E. S. Seo, PoS(ICRC2023)070, 2023.
  • Studies of Cosmic-Ray Propagation Using GALPROP," Y. Chen, Z.M. Dorris,* V. S. Ptuskin, E. S. Seo, and H, Wu,* PoS(ICRC2023)069, 2023.
  • Preface "Astrophysics of Cosmic Rays,” Moskalenko and E. S. Seo, Advances in Space Research, 70(9), 2583-2584, 2022.
  • Convolutional neural network-based reconstruction for positronium annihilation localization, J Jegal, D.W. Jeong, E.S. Seo, H.W..Park, and H.J. Kim, Scientific Reports 12 (1), 8531, 2022.
  • Preface "Advances in cosmic-ray astrophysics and related areas," I. Moskalenko and E. S. Seo, Advances in Space Research, 64/12, 2417, 2019.
  •  Proc. 36th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Madison, USA, July 24 - August 1, 2019
  • The origin of the most energetic galactic cosmic rays: Supernova explosions into massive star plasma winds, P. L. Biermann, P. Kronberg, M. Allen, A. Meli, and E. S. Seo, Galaxies, 7/2, 48, 2019.doi:10.3390/galaxies7020048
  • Preface "Origins of Cosmic Rays," I. Moskalenko and E. S. Seo, Advances in Space Research, 62/10, 2729-230, 2018.
  • The Nature and Origin of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Particles, Biermann PL, Caramete LI, Fraschetti F, Gergely LA,Harms BC, Kun E, Lundquist JP, Meli A, Nath BB, Seo E-S, Stanev T and Tjus JB, Frascati Phys Ser 64, 103–121 2017.
  • Proc. 34th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., The Hague, Netherlands, July 30 - August 6, 2015
  • Interpreting the Voyager 1 Data on the Interstellar Spectrum of Low-Energy Cosmic Rays in a Model with the Galactic Wind, V. S. Ptuskin, V. Zirakashvili, and E. S. Seo, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 79, 345-347, 2015
  • Cosmic Ray Transport and Anisotropies to High Energies, P. L. Biermann, J. K. Becker, E. S. Seo, and M. Mandelartz, Astra Proc. 2, 39-44, 2015., doi:10.5194/ap-2-39-2015
  • Interpretation of Voyager 1 data on low energy cosmic rays in galactic wind model, V. S. Ptuskin, V. Zirakashvili, and E. S. Seo, Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 632 (1), 012022, 2015
  • Preface "Cosmic Ray Origins: the Viktor Hess Centennial Anniversary," E. S. Seo and I. Moskalenko, Advances in Space Research, 53/10, 1377-1378, 2014, DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2014.03.013
  • Proc. 33rd Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2-7, 2013
  • Cosmic ray transport and anisotropy, P. L. Biermann, J. K. Becker, E. S. Seo, and M. Mandelartz, Astrophys. J., 768, 124, 2013, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/768/2/124
  • Spectra of Cosmic Ray Protons and Helium Produced in Supernova Remnants, V. S. Ptuskin, V. Zirakashvili, and E. S. Seo, Astrophys. J., 763, 47, 2013, DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/763/1/47
  • Direct Measurements of Cosmic Rays Using Balloon Borne Experiments, E. S. Seo, Invited Review Paper for Topical Issue on Cosmic Rays, Astropart. Phys., 39/40, 76-87, 2012, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.astropartphys.2012.04.002
  • Proc. 32nd Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Beijing, China, August 11-18, 2011
  • The origin of cosmic rays: Explosions of massive stars with magnetic winds and their supernova mechanism, P. L. Biermann, J. K. Becker, J. Dreyer, A. Meli, E. S. Seo, T. Stanev, Astrophys. J., 725, 184-187, 2010, doi: 10.1088/0004-637X/725/1/184
  • Spectrum of Galactic Cosmic Rays Accelerated in Supernova remnants, V. S. Ptuskin, V. Zirakashvili, and E. S. Seo, Astrophys. J., 718, 1, 31-36, July 20, 2010, arXiv:1006.0034v1
  • The WMAP haze from the Galactic Center region due to massive star explosions and a reduced cosmic ray scale height, P. L. Biermann, J. K. Becker, G. Caceres, A. Meli, E. S. Seo, T. Stanev, Astrophys. J. Lett., 710, L53-L57, 2010, doi: 10.1088/2041-8205/710/1/L53
  • Cosmic Ray Positrons and Electrons Supernova Explosions of Massive Stars, P. L. Biermann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 061101, 2009
  • Proc. 31st Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Łódź, Poland, July 7-15, 2009
  • Proc. 30th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Merida, July 3-11, 2007
  • Effect of random nature of cosmic ray sources - Supernova remnants - on cosmic ray intensity fluctuations, anisotropy, and electron energy spectrum©  V. S. Ptuskin et al., Advances in Space Research, 37(10), 1909-1912, 2006
  • Proc. 29th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Pune, August 3-10, 2005
  • Cosmic-Ray Antiprotons in the Galaxy,  R. Sina, V. S. Ptuskin, and E. S. Seo, Advances in Space Research, 35, 147-150, 2005
  • The Flux of Cosmic-ray Deuterons in Simplified Propagation Models,  R. Sina, V. S. Ptuskin and E. S. Seo, Proceedings of the 28th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., 4, 1973, 2003
  • On the Fluctuations in the Galaxy with Random Supernova Outbursts,  V.S. Ptuskin, F.C. Jones, E. S. Seo and R. Sina, Proceedings of the 28th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., 4, 1933, 2003
  • High Energy Cosmic Ray Composition,  E. S. Seo, Nuclear Physics B– Proc. Suppl., 113, 95-102, 2002
  • Origin of Cosmic Rays,  E. S. Seo, Proceedings of UKC 2002(US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship), Technology for A Safe World, 1316-1321, 2002
  • Measurements of Cesium Radioisotopes in Cesium Compounds,  Y. D. Kim et al. J.Kor. Phys. Soc., 40 (3), 520, 2002
  • Cosmic Rays IX, Interactions and trasport of cosmic rays in the Galaxy,  P. L. Biermann, N. Langer, E. S. Seo, T. Stanev, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 369, 269, 2001.
  • Antiproton Spectrum in the Galactic Wind Model,  R. Sina, V.S. Ptuskin and E.S. Seo, Advances in Space Research 27/4, 705, 2001. (.pdf)
  • On the description of the Turbulent Diffusion model,  R. Sina, P.L. Biermann and E.S. Seo, Proceedings of the 27th ICRC (Hamburg), 5, 1916, 2001. (.ps)
  • The spectrum of secondary antiprotons,  R. Sina, V.S. Ptuskin and E.S. Seo, Proceedings of the 27th ICRC (Hamburg), 5, 1873, 2001. (.ps)
  • On Cosmic-ray Spectral Studies,  R. Sina, and E. S. Seo, Proc. 26th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Salt Lake City, 5, 140-143, 1999. (.ps)
  • Cosmic Ray H and He Isotopes in the Outer Heliosphere in 1994,  E. S. Seo and F. B. McDonald, Astrophys. J. lett., 451, L33-L35, 1995
  • Cosmic Ray H and He Isotopes in the Outer Heliosphere in 1994,  E. S. Seo and F. B. McDonald, Proc. 24th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf.(Rome), 2, 626-629, 1995.
  • Galactic Cosmic Rays Up to 10 TeV,  J. F. Ormes et al., Proc. 1994 Snowmass Summer Study: Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics and Cosmology in the Next Millennium, Ed. E. W. Kolb and R. D. Peccei (Singapore: World Scientific) 312, 1995.
  • Stochastic Reacceleration of Cosmic Rays in the Interstellar Medium,  E. S. Seo and V. S. Ptuskin, Astrophys. J., 431, 705-714, 1994.
  • Study of Cosmic Ray H and He Isotopes at 23 AU,  E. S. Seo, F. B. McDonald, N. Lal, and W. R. Webber, Astrophys. J., 432, 656-664, 1994.
  • Absolute Spectrum and Charge Ratio of Cosmic Ray Muons in Energy Region From 0.2 GeV to 100 GeV at 600 m Above Sea Level,  M. P. DePascale et al. J. Geophys. Res., 98, NO. A3, 3501-3507, 1993.
  • Cosmic Ray Muon Spectrum in the Atmosphere,  M. Circella et al., Proc. 23rd Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. (Calgary), 4, 503-506, 1993.
  • Ground Level Observation of Electrons, Positrons and Protons,  G. Basini et al., Proc. 23rd Int. Cosmic Ray Conf.(Calgary), 3, 773-776, 1993.
  • Iterstellar Propagation of the Isotopes of H and He,  E. S. Seo, F. B. McDonald, N. Lal, and W. R. Webber, Proc. 23rd Int. Cosmic Ray Conf.(Calgary), 1, 511-514, 1993.
  • Measurement of the Cosmic Ray H and He Isotopes at 23 AU,  E. S. Seo, F. B. McDonald, N. Lal, and W. R. Webber, Proc. 23rd Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. (Calgary), 1, 507-510, 1993.
  • Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Proton and Helium Fluxes From 200 MeV/nucleon To 100 GeV/nucleon During the 1987 Solar Minimum,  E. S. Seo et al. Nucl. Tracks Rad. Meas., 20, 431-444, 1992.
  • Performance of a Balloon-Borne Magnet Spectrometer for Cosmic Ray Studies,  R. L. Golden et al. Nucl. Instrum. Methods A306, 366-377, 1991.
  • Measurement of Cosmic Ray Proton and Helium Spectra During the 1987 Solar Minimum, E. S. Seo, J. F. Ormes, R. E. Streitmatter, S. J. Stochaj, W. V. Jones, S. A. Stephens, T. Bowen, Astrophys. J., 378, 763-772, 1991.
  • Cosmic Ray Muon Spectrum and Charge Ratio Between 0.2 and 100 GeV at 600 meters above sea level,  G. Basini et al, Proc. 22nd ICRC (Dublin) 4, 544-547, 1991.
  • Observation of Cosmic Ray Electrons and Positrons Using a Magnet Spectrometer with Imaging Calorimeter,  G. Basini et al, Proc. 22nd ICRC (Dublin) 2, 137-140, 1991.
  • Cosmic Ray Proton and Helium Spectra During the 1987 Solar Minimum,  E. S. Seo et al, Proc. 22nd ICRC (Dublin) 1, 627-630, 1991.
  • Study of 2H and 3He in the Outer Heliosphere, E. S. Seo et al, Proc. 22nd ICRC (Dublin) 1, 604-606, 1991.
  • Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Proton and Helium Fluxes Above 200 MeV/nucleon During the 1987 Solar Minimum,  E. S. Seo et al, Proceedings of Workshop on Galactic Cosmic Radiation: Constraints on Space Exploration, ed. J. H. Adams Jr. (NRL publication 209-4154), 49-76, 1991.
  • Cosmic Ray Proton Spectra at Low Rigidities,  E. S. Seo et al, Proc. 21st ICRC (Australia) 3, 7-10, 1990.
  • Experimental Limit on Low Energy Antiprotons in the Cosmic Radiation,,  R. E. Streitmatter, et al, Proc. 21st ICRC (Australia) 3, 277-280, 1990.
  • Empirical Scaling Regularity Deduced from Angular Distribution of Shower Particles Produced in Collisions of 50-, 100-, and 200 GeV/c Hadrons with Various Nuclei, C. O. Kim and E. S. Seo, J. Korean Phys. Soc. (Seoul) 20, 292-302, 1987.
  • Empirical Scaling Regularity Deduced from Angular Distribution of Shower Particles Produced in Collisions of 50-, 100-, and 200- GeV/c Hadrons with Various Nuclei,  C. O. Kim and E. S. Seo, Proceedings of the XXIII Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics (Berkeley), No. 2399, 1580, 1986.